Visual Merchandising | Diseño + Retail | more stories
Álbum fotográfico de diferentes escaparates, diseño interior y exterior, punto focales e iluminación del retail. La experiencia visual del consumo en los Shopping Center desde el 2007 hasta la actualidad, también temas personales e historias de la vida real. Photographic album of different shop windows, interior and exterior design, focal points and retail lighting. The visual experience of consumption in Shopping Centers from 2007 to the present, also personal issues and stories from real life
12 jun 2023
Diseño grafico básicos en Canvas para publicar en twitter
10 ene 2023
Talentos y habilidades 2022
Semanas más tarde, pude ver otro dibujo en el folleto de arte, esta vez dibuje a teniendo en cuenta que tenia más elementos como son: un plato con frutos, una silla o mueble, una mujer , plantas dentro de un florero tipo jarrón. una mesa. La pared de con variedad de colores como son: El color negro, rojo, anaranjado, amarillo. En este dibujo hay una combinación de marcadores y lápiz de color verde. Como pueden ver aun estoy perfeccionando el trazo porque cuando uno pinta con marcadores de punta fina o delgada se tiene que rellenar los espacios con formas geométricas o rayas. En cada uno de estas pinturas no uso pinceles, cada uno de los cuadros son pintados con marcadores o lápiz de color. Las observaciones en cada pintura seria la cantidad de detalles. Hoja A3: 29,7 x42 cm
Ya con la experiencia del primer dibujo con la mujer sentada junto a la mesa y el jarrón con flores, me gusto a la idea de dibujar y crear otra escena pero esta vez con dos mujeres, dos sillas, un jarrón con plantas y que el fondo sea con movimiento visual en tonos verdes, turquesa, blanco, amarillo, café y negro. etc... junto a las dos mujeres, en la mitad de ellas esta ubicado una pitajaya abierta, se puede ver los punto negros y el fondo redondo blanco.
20 jun 2022
My pyme / Mi Emprendimiento Épico LilyRecicladora
Siempre he tenido el sueño de emprender y ayudar a limpiar el medio ambiente, así nació en Ecuador la idea de brindar un servicio de recolección de Plástico por toda la ciudad de Guayaquil.
Diseño e implementación de una aplicación móvil para una
mejor conciencia ambiental en la provincia del Guayas.
Retos Ambientales Guayas y Quil 2022
27 sept 2021
Portafolio de artes en diseño gráfico 2021
Diseño gráfico y publicaciones para #Facebook y #Linkedin para la empresa TSP : Transporte Sanchez Polo
Fotomontaje con el programa de diseño Photoshop Ps
21 jun 2021
Clases de Canto en La Mayor 2021 y 2022
29 sept 2020
Escuela de Vida #1
Escuela de vida #1
Lectura de los versículos bíblicos
Genesis 1
La creación
1 En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.
2 Y la tierra estaba desordenada y vacía, y las tinieblas estaban sobre la faz del abismo, y el Espíritu de Dios se movía sobre la faz de las aguas.
3 Y dijo Dios: Sea la luz; y fue la luz.
4 Y vio Dios que la luz era buena; y separó Dios la luz de las tinieblas.
5 Y llamó Dios a la luz Día, y a las tinieblas llamó Noche. Y fue la tarde y la mañana un día.
6 Luego dijo Dios: Haya expansión en medio de las aguas, y separe las aguas de las aguas.
7 E hizo Dios la expansión, y separó las aguas que estaban debajo de la expansión, de las aguas que estaban sobre la expansión. Y fue así.
8 Y llamó Dios a la expansión Cielos. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día segundo.
9 Dijo también Dios: Júntense las aguas que están debajo de los cielos en un lugar, y descúbrase lo seco. Y fue así.
10 Y llamó Dios a lo seco Tierra, y a la reunión de las aguas llamó Mares. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
11 Después dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra hierba verde, hierba que dé semilla; árbol de fruto que dé fruto según su género, que su semilla esté en él, sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
12 Produjo, pues, la tierra hierba verde, hierba que da semilla según su naturaleza, y árbol que da fruto, cuya semilla está en él, según su género. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
13 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día tercero.
14 Dijo luego Dios: Haya lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para separar el día de la noche; y sirvan de señales para las estaciones, para días y años,
15 y sean por lumbreras en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra. Y fue así.
16 E hizo Dios las dos grandes lumbreras; la lumbrera mayor para que señorease en el día, y la lumbrera menor para que señorease en la noche; hizo también las estrellas.
17 Y las puso Dios en la expansión de los cielos para alumbrar sobre la tierra,
18 y para señorear en el día y en la noche, y para separar la luz de las tinieblas. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
19 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día cuarto.
20 Dijo Dios: Produzcan las aguas seres vivientes, y aves que vuelen sobre la tierra, en la abierta expansión de los cielos.
21 Y creó Dios los grandes monstruos marinos, y todo ser viviente que se mueve, que las aguas produjeron según su género, y toda ave alada según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
22 Y Dios los bendijo, diciendo: Fructificad y multiplicaos, y llenad las aguas en los mares, y multiplíquense las aves en la tierra.
23 Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día quinto.
24 Luego dijo Dios: Produzca la tierra seres vivientes según su género, bestias y serpientes y animales de la tierra según su especie. Y fue así.
25 E hizo Dios animales de la tierra según su género, y ganado según su género, y todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra según su especie. Y vio Dios que era bueno.
26 Entonces dijo Dios: Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen, conforme a nuestra semejanza; y señoree en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, en las bestias, en toda la tierra, y en todo animal que se arrastra sobre la tierra.
27 Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen, a imagen de Dios lo creó; varón y hembra los creó.
28 Y los bendijo Dios, y les dijo: Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, y sojuzgadla, y señoread en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, y en todas las bestias que se mueven sobre la tierra.
29 Y dijo Dios: He aquí que os he dado toda planta que da semilla, que está sobre toda la tierra, y todo árbol en que hay fruto y que da semilla; os serán para comer.
30 Y a toda bestia de la tierra, y a todas las aves de los cielos, y a todo lo que se arrastra sobre la tierra, en que hay vida, toda planta verde les será para comer. Y fue así.
31 Y vio Dios todo lo que había hecho, y he aquí que era bueno en gran manera. Y fue la tarde y la mañana el día sexto.
Genesis 2
2 Así quedaron concluidos el cielo y la tierra y todo lo que hay en ellos. 2 Para el séptimo día Dios había concluido su obra y descansó el día séptimo de todo lo que había hecho. 3 Y bendijo Dios el día séptimo y lo declaró día sagrado, porque en ese día descansó Dios de toda su obra creadora. 4 Esta es la historia de la creación del cielo y de la tierra.
Segundo relato de la creación (2,4b—3,24)
Cuando Dios, el Señor, hizo la tierra y el cielo 5 no había aún arbustos en la tierra ni la hierba había brotado, porque Dios, el Señor, todavía no había hecho llover sobre la tierra ni existía nadie que cultivase el suelo; 6 sin embargo, de la propia tierra brotaba un manantial que regaba toda la superficie del suelo. 7 Entonces Dios, el Señor, modeló al hombre de arcilla del suelo, sopló en su nariz aliento de vida y el hombre se convirtió en un ser viviente.
8 Dios, el Señor, plantó un jardín en Edén, al oriente, y puso allí al hombre que había modelado. 9 Dios, el Señor, hizo brotar del suelo toda clase de árboles hermosos de ver y de frutos apetitosos. Además, hizo crecer el árbol de la vida en medio del jardín, y el árbol del conocimiento del bien y del mal.
10 En Edén nacía un río que regaba el jardín y desde allí se dividía en cuatro brazos: 11 el primero se llama Pisón y rodea toda la región de Javilá, donde hay oro. 12 (El oro de esa región es excelente, y también se dan allí bedelio y ónice). 13 El segundo se llama Guijón, y rodea la región de Cus. 14 El tercero se llama Tigris y pasa al este de Asur. El cuarto es el Éufrates.
15 Dios, el Señor, tomó al hombre y lo puso en el jardín de Edén para que lo cultivara y lo cuidara. 16 Y le dio esta orden:
— Puedes comer del fruto de todos los árboles que hay en el jardín, 17 excepto del árbol del bien y del mal. No comas del fruto de ese árbol, porque el día en que comas de él, tendrás que morir.
18 Luego Dios, el Señor, se dijo:
— No es conveniente que el hombre esté solo; voy, pues, a hacerle una ayuda adecuada. 19 Entonces Dios, el Señor, modeló con arcilla del suelo todos los animales terrestres y todas las aves del cielo, y se los llevó al hombre para que les pusiera nombre, porque todos los seres vivos llevarían el nombre que él les pusiera. 20 El hombre puso nombre a todos los animales domésticos, a todas las aves y a todos los animales salvajes. Sin embargo, no encontró entre ellos la ayuda adecuada para sí. 21 Entonces Dios, el Señor, hizo caer al hombre en un profundo sueño y, mientras dormía, le sacó una de sus costillas y rellenó con carne el hueco dejado. 22 De la costilla que le había sacado al hombre, Dios, el Señor, formó una mujer, y se la presentó al hombre 23 que, al verla, exclamó:
— ¡Esta sí que es hueso de mis huesos
y carne de mi carne!
Se llamará varona,
porque del varón fue sacada.
24 Por
Salmos 33
Cuando este desanimada puedes leer Filipenses 4:13
Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
Hebreos 2:14
Encontrarse con Jesucristo es por medio de la Fe.
Romanos 10:10
La Salvación es por la Gracia
Caminamos, andamos y nos movemos por Fe.
Job 19:25-26
El evangelio es para compartir
Es invitar a Jesús que entre en nuestra vida.
Apocalipsis 3:20
Juan 1:12
Juan 16:13
Jesus pasaba la noche entera orando, mucha oración mucho poder.
10 sept 2020
Harassment and intimidation in sauces 6
Harassment and intimidation in sauces 6
I will never forget what happened in the house of Sauces 6 the months of June and July 2020, I thought that I came back to the house where I had been raised as a child until I was 13 years old,
Now I am 37 ... I came here to Sauces 6 in the month of November 2019 because we needed a place to live with my husband Carlos, we had rented for several months in the center of the city a very small room of 2 meters x 2, In That time we were paying a rent of approximately $ 180 and we were also looking for two jobs in the companies, in the city of Guayaquil, my husband decided that during all that time he would sell fruit salads on the street, in order to pay the rent and I I proposed to sell products such as cosmetics. Yanbal had to help my husband so while I was in the center I could set up a table outside the house where we rented.
Although months earlier he had proposed to us through my younger sister and my mother that we go to live in Sauces 6, my heart was not really sure about making that decision. But months went by and my husband couldn't find a formal job in a company. So we agreed for him to meet with my mother and we asked her to give us the possibility of renting the house in Sauces 6, my mother agreed and proposed that we not pay for 2 years, in order to save, we were very happy We knew we were going to have a place to live and while we were looking for work we were not going to be charged rent, I remember having come five times to clean and sanitize part of the house but the house was full of cobwebs, flies, feces, dust, many old things, there was so much dust because a year ago he had repaired the electrical part of the whole house 13 or 15 years ago, he had not rented it, or even sold it, it was totally damaged. My mother, as my sister had occupied the house as a warehouse, the whole house was full of folders, documents, books, from the year 80 and 90, we decided that the documents or folders or books or newspaper and magazine type papers that we found on the ground floor Everything and we are going to go up to the rooms that were in the upper part in the form of a loft but when we went up we found many more cardboard not only with paper or some kind of books but there were also clothes, suitcases, shoes, everything in a rotten state
No one had come or gone upstairs to clean up, we also found cat feces on the ground floor and top floor Paloma feces and all kinds of moths in different drawers and also even in the books, everything that was up here was to be thrown away but Before going up, we realized that upon entering the house there is a small garden. In the garden it is full of food for the cats, chicken bones, or rice for the animals that slept inside the house, these animals had taken over as owners of the house, they had made their home here many years, We had to completely disinfect the home but nothing happened overnight because while we lived here we considered that since our books were not our documents we did not have the decision to throw them away, so we decided that this still had to be maintained but on the upper floor, in on the ground floor we found two mattresses. The mattresses we found were in bad condition but we used them to sleep.
We spent our first Christmas and also our first end of the year. For us it was all an experience and especially for me to see again people with whom I had not spoken or greeted many years ago.
In my mind I had the memory that everyone still behaves as if I were 13 years old, but the truth was not like that, the entire sector had been contaminated not only with alcoholism but also with countless young people who were using drugs of all kinds. What's more, there is a house that everyone in the neighborhood knows that sells drugs there.
Those who were once boys and girls like me, some of them the vast majority have become fathers and mothers have had children and others developed a type of bohemian culture since in Guayaquil there is no great boom in libraries or theaters, the vast majority of them had been getting drunk long before the weekends.
With my husband we decided not to take into account his lifestyle, and dedicate ourselves to sanitizing the house and living in it, I remember when we arrived we did not have internet, we also had a computer, a cell phone and we needed to communicate so I could realize that there was a free network and it was that of my neighbor Rafael ... when I saw Rafael Acosta again, who was called campito, I asked him to please help me with the internet password of his house and he very kindly did. I also introduced him to my husband and we talked a bit.
The days passed and later when going out or shopping for legumes, vegetables, fruits, I could go greeting other people such as Jean Pierre, this man is consumed with the drug disease, he can also greet another neighbor from name Pilar de Suarez, then I remember that I was able to greet another neighbor named Julia, I believed that her financial situation, as well as personal situation had changed but months later I can realize that this had not happened during all these years.
She had something in common: her children had no job, no home of their own, so they still lived together with her.
During that time ... In the month of January I was also able to greet Queta, I greeted many people that I had not seen for many years,
In that month I requested a change of pastor now I had in this year 2020 a new pastor and leader such as the robalino pastor and my leader Sonia Camacho, Sonia led a cell here in Sauces 6 very close to my house So before the pandemic, with My husband was very happy because to go to a cell we only had to walk two blocks and we would go every Sunday from 6 in the afternoon we walked to the house of sister Angelita and her daughter Miriam for us it was normal to walk together or go out through the sector we saw everything that was happening,
Around us .. Especially young people picking up garbage, in addition to buying and consuming H, we also take care of our own affairs if we were hungry we could eat any snack in the street ...
until something happened that I will not forget….
What the pandemic did was that we no longer attended the cell or the church due to health issues given that throughout Guayaquil there were many people dying on the street and in hospitals. There was a time of great fear, I will not deny that we were all afraid of dying from a virus or a pandemic that no one really knew the origin, and later the media and also social networks were in charge of telling us what it was. had infected the population.
I remember that the neighbors during that time of the pandemic organized drunkenness outside their house, the noise and scandals until the wee hours of the morning,
many times we decided to close the windows, many times I commented to my husband that if we are really living in the house, we had to paint the walls below ...
Because we never thought to occupy the rooms upstairs ... we always saw each other downstairs.
When we arrived, we occupied the rooms below that were unpainted, the whole house was unpainted, they were totally worn out. but my husband wanted to paint it. He began to paint some parts of the house.
As a married couple we started having a lot of arguments and we argued over nonsense, there was a moment when arguing caused my mind to think that my husband was going to hit me. I really got scared because at that moment I stopped and said what is going through my mind, why did I just think that? and I mentioned it to my husband. Then I realized that the house had a very heavy atmosphere, the atmosphere of the house was violence, there was violence, but since I had not lived here for many years I did not know why this had happened.
I remember that we began to paint the house little by little, we really did not want to spend too much, because my husband had just found a job and we were living on my husband's first salary, very empirically we painted and slept in the rooms below. For the theme of
I remember that we began to paint the house little by little, we really did not want to spend too much, because my husband had just found a job and we were living on my husband's first salary, very empirically we painted and slept in the rooms below. Due to the issue of the pandemic, my husband had to come to work at home to do home office or telework, as I used to go out to preach I asked my husband to buy lunch for the neighbor pilar suarez ... during the time of the pandemic, so my husband pampers me a lot and was very aware he told me that it was fine, that while the days that I went out to preach and he was at home he had to go buy lunch, from someone I really trusted, So the person who bought food for him went to the neighbor Pilar de Suárez, really during that time we decided to help the neighbors. A boy who sold buckets of eggs, when we saw that he had begun to undertake, we supported him by buying and as we saw that there was no pantry nearby, in one of the houses around where three black girls live or who do not remember their names, lately they had placed as a mini pantry we decided to support buying ice cream, lovebirds, things like that, those girls I remember talking to them when I was an old girl, and afterwards they were never or will be my friends.
We really thought we were doing good deeds ... ever since the pandemic started we decided to pay young people who shouted that they picked up the trash and got paid. So neither I nor my husband went out.
During the years that the house was abandoned, the dogs next to the house make the feces outside our house not only that but also now there are 2 children next to it and there were times that we were inside the house and having a park these Instead of playing in the park ... they played ball outside our house and hit the window bars with the ball. all of this was with the consent of her parents and grandparents.
In the house where 3 dogs live, Jorge olaya currently lives a man named Jonathan Vélez this man is the partner of Angelica olaya, father of the two children approximately 7 to 8 years old, this very vulgar man like his wife has problems with alcoholism and behavior ... apparently he has been treated with a lot of violence inside his house another of the things that the young people who used drugs visited this young man and the house where we had come to live these young people use drugs they used outside our house, motorcycles, also bicycles with the excuse that Jorge olaya came to get drunk.
In the house there was not an atmosphere of peace even though I prayed, fasted, attended church or listened to God praise, in the house there was no Peace.
I remember that during the week a man on a motorcycle would come to Jorge Olaya's house, that man would arrive with packs of beer, they would take out speakers from the chair on the pedestrian and bring more people to get out of the house, it was a scandal, I remember I told my husband This is already intolerable at what time everything has to end Have not these people realized that we are living here the house is no longer abandoned the house is occupied and we are the ones who do not have the need to sleep to rest, tomorrow We have to work.
Jonathan Vélez disrespected me many times: insult and intimidation for days and weeks ... leaving home is very difficult. I always shout that everyone in the sector was drunk that everyone who lived in the sector was drunk means that if everyone was drunk, everyone is going to use drugs in the next few years if they are no longer using it.
I remember that night I told my husband that I was going to take out the speaker and do the same ... I was going to put music at full volume to accompany me so I found in this case that now the woman Rafael Acosta approached and began to say that There was a lot of singing and that he was going to call the police I really never disrespected him, a stick or a stone to attack these people here But these Jonathan Vélez approached and began to intimidate me by insulting me over and over again. did my husband got in the middle and then his wife and his relative appeared the guy who was arriving on the motorcycle grabbed my hands I screamed and that guy approached and with his hands he touched my chest, we decided to withdraw since the police but these people continue with the scandal outside their house that
Sauces 6 has become the northern suburb, young men over 18 and older adults have also dedicated themselves to gambling and gambling and obviously all that also bring
much to see corruption from the smallest thing that comes that the citizenship is coming to do.
The mz 267 villa 12 is consumed with alcoholism and cigarettes (always its canteen has been the pedestrian outside that house) but so many years have passed ...
During the next weeks I could not fall asleep I had constant nightmares of a man shouting in the street insulting me, intimidating me, aggressive to hit me, a woman holding my hands and a man fingering himself, the image was repeated over and over again in my mind I had no peace I could not sleep I tried to continue with my life but that man Jonathan Vélez, time after time, left the house, I couldn't be watering the plants, I'm not going to be cleaning my own window, he started insulting me over and over again, the only thing that he knew how to spit was insults: since he was a daughter As a whore, cock face, I am going to rape all your children ... again and again towards me no one stopped him and his wife and mother-in-law were all accomplices.
This caused me serious problems in my marriage. I remember having told a sister, sister Jenni, what had happened to sister Flor, and none of them told me that I had to file a complaint for harassment or abuse, they simply came home and prayed.
A month after what happened outside the home, the problems continued again, Jorge Olaya and his daughter Angelica Olaya, an accomplice, took out the dogs and made them take their feces outside the house. and after a month again the same man on the motorcycle came home again in that box they began to be a scandal outside the house But this time with mockery also coming from Marcos González son of Pilar Suarez, They made fun not only of our belief but also made fun of the curfew Jonathan Vélez that family and the man on the motorcycle called Otto Marcelo Quinde Silva And other people They arrived that night to make a scandal, we are at home and once after insulting I and my husband could all be heard once after I decided to call the police to pick up all that but after doing so they began to insult one of them she would not shut up at that moment I decided to scream but my husband was at the window they began to knock on the window the ignorant Jonathan Vélez began to throw stones at our house, to break the windows, not only that, my husband tried to stop him, the guy spat in his face, my husband says he knows he lowered his pants and the woman Angelica Olaya put her hand through the window and tore my husband's face. All that happened while I was on the other side. The police left and they started worse hitting the walls insulting to enjoy drugged alcoholics Until 3 in the morning when I had to go to sleep with my husband in the bathroom, they threatened to hit and destroy our lives time after time they didn't stop.
Jonathan Velez shouted aggressive words that this man shouted so loudly that he threatened to rape my whole family, you damn drunk man who has to eat poop but his mouth and his mind are there to insult and hurt my person.
I remember and I already told my husband that it was time to collect suitcases and leave the house at the Upc, go to sleep at a hotel or find where my mother lives. we arrive where my mother lives and we sleep there.
for a while during that time I would come home and leave my soul was anguished I would not stop crying husband had to go to file a complaint for the assault on his eye I really did not know who to ask for help if they have complaints filed with the prosecutor's office my husband had to go back to the office to work my mother did nothing we told many people and they did nothing I remember that I called a friend from church to my pastor My leader and I commented on all this that had happened I also published on my Facebook the verbal and physical aggression that we had received from this Olaya family.
But we decided to distance ourselves for two weeks.I remember that a friend Glenda told me that if the house had been abandoned for many years, the first thing to do was throw away all the garbage and that that was all the old things and old mattresses furniture on the sides of the house It had been the object of the warehouse, that we had to throw away all the things that were inside the house that neither me nor my husband and we are going to use and also that the whole house from the roof from the internal and external walls had to be painted we did not we could occupy a house that had been occupied by demonic spirits, when he told me that I was really amazed because they had never thrown stones at me or had ever dared to want to break the window and much worse to my husband wanting to physically attack him not only did all this happen to I realized that the house needed a remodeling but Angelica Olaya also threatened that they were going to denounce the church in the park and I could not allow that because There were 13 and 15 year olds playing the guitar and other artistic elements. In the spiritual environment we have not known much especially in occupying a house to carry out an evangelistic event every Sunday in a park Simply that this had a very high cost, my marriage was being the object of perverse people and of a house totally inhabited by demons
I remember having come one afternoon and having taken all the garbage that was in the upper part and also all the old furniture and having taken it out of the house having asked for help to dump all the garbage in the house in national fibers and although I did not tell my husband where would I sleep and that day, I just closed the phone and came to wash and clean the whole house so that the next day they picked up all the garbage I remember that I asked my dad Luis to help me throw out all the garbage box mattresses furniture with moth and he did. He came with some friends of his and my cousin. I remember that morning ... I was talking to him outside the home while he was watering the plants, he asked me what was the troubled house and I gave him the signals, we started on various issues and Angélica Olaya left her house to call me stupid over and over again insulting me. and again ... and again later Marcos Gonzales climbed From the balcony of his house he took out a cell phone to record. that this way these people was to spit three curses on my life to speak ill of my parents to speak ill of my whole family as if they were virgin saints. I remember that they called all the young people who use drugs and surrounded my father outside the house, insulted my father, no one would shut him up, his mother Pilar started calling another black woman from the back that woman also appeared to shout to claim her daughters that night there was a problem at dawn they began to shout that I had to review my mother's life and they also shouted that my mother was corrupt, everything that is already recorded.
All of this happened I decided to request the support of a lawyer Ana had attended my birthday and already knew the house where I lived I mentioned everything that had happened she told me that she would be in charge of the complaint and my life is in danger if I get out from home my husband's life
danger every time he leaves the house and returns alone.
With all this problem we decided to hire staff to paint the whole house and all the garbage we had at home was thrown away ... we buy new things from the curtains and the bed we really need all this to be solved that the people who live next to the house understand that the house is occupied and that we are not tolerant of their scandals until late at night and early morning but they are ignorant vulgar people but above all misogynistic I remember one afternoon when I was painting outside the house this man Jonathan Vélez went out with one of them and the boy told him I'm cold I'm going to see my coat and this man yelled at him and said Don't be an idiot it's not the first time I've heard an insult. 2 days ago the same child was playing soccer outside our house the ball kicked the fence of our window And I told my husband Look really these people are provocative they do not play outside their house this child's cousin told the child : Don't be a 7-year-old son of a ***, apparently they are like that with uneducated people with no culture who treat the child like garbage.
After what happened, I'm still waiting for the prosecution's sentence
If murder were to happen to me or my husband, a much more violent offense, much more physically violent, I am 100% sure that those involved are going to do this whole family and also their extremely violent neighborhood acquaintances, extremely ignorant of the laws and living together in a neighborhood.
You who are reading this I want to tell you that living in a violent and misogynistic neighborhood It is not easy at all, it has been very difficult to live with men and women with drug alcohol problems and ignorant on many issues such as healthy coexistence.
Psalm 3: 7
I'm not afraid of that huge crowd
that has surrounded me everywhere.
Take action, Lord! Save me, my God!
you who struck the cheek of my enemies,
you who broke the teeth of the wicked.
Psalm 7:12
God is a just judge
God vents his wrath at all times.
If he does not repent, sharpen his sword,
draw his bow and aim.
Deadly weapons he disposes against the wicked,
arrows of fire have prepared
against the one who conceives evil,
against the one who breeds injustice
and causes the lie to be born;
the one who digs a grave, delves into it
and ends up falling into his own trap.
His wickedness turns against him,
her violence will fall on him.